Senior theses are due to be handed into the Department Honors Coordinator and the Senior Thesis Advisor 10 days before the beginning of reading period in a student’s final semester. The final version of a student’s thesis is due no later than midnight on the last day of reading period. Students wishing to be considered for honors must give a Senior thesis presentation no later than the last day of reading period. These presentations typically last a half hour comprised of a 20-minute talk and 10-minute question and discussion period.
Senior Theses
This section is under construction. The 2022 - 2024 content is forthcoming.
Student | Research Topic | Advisor |
Bawabe, Sarah | "A Graph Theoretic Window into the Large Scale Structure of the Universe" | Stephon Alexander |
Bechtold, Stellan | "Mapping Dark Matter Distributions of Low Redshift Galaxy Clusters" | Ian Dell'Antonio |
Belman-Wells, Livia | "Subwavelength dielectric resonators via a single etching fabrication step" | Leo Li |
Byun, Ye Won | "Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning Approaches to Predicting Exoplanet Host Stars" | Jonathan Pober |
Carmichael, Deven | "Effects of Ordinary Viscosity on the Topological Classification of the Shallow Water Equations" | Brad Marston |
Edens, Quentin | "Generating and Comparing Dark Matter Distributions in Regular and Merging Galaxy Clusters" | Ian Dell'Antonio |
Jennis, Aaron | "Mapping Dark Matter Distributions in High Extinction Galaxy Clusters" | Ian Dell'Antonio |
Majumder, Shweta | "Monitoring Anxiety of Radiation Oncology Patients through Wearable Sensors" | Marissa Gray and Reshma Munbodh |
Marglous, Jacob | "In the Driver's Seat: Counterdiabatic Driving to Optimize Bacterial Infection and Cancer Treatments" | Daniel Weinreich and James Valles |
McGraw, Samantha | "Using a Delay Spectrum Analysis to Compare Simulations and Data in MWA Phase 2" | Jonathan Pober |
Oaks-Leaf, Sam | "The Dominance of Geodesic Paths and Their Application in a 2D Supercooled Liquid" | Richard Stratt |
Rugg, Natalie | "The Visual Identification of Jellyfish Galaxies in Galaxy Clusters" | Ian Dell'Antonio |
Rutherford, Grant | "Two Applications of Plasma Physics Modeling for Controlled Fusion Research" | Jonathan Pober |
Solt, Jasper | "Machine Learning Analysis of the Epoch of Reionization" | Jonathan Pober |
Turner, Christopher | "Gravikinesis of Paramecium Caudatum in Constraining Tubes" | James Valles |
Voelker, Justin | "Calibration of BPW34 FS PIN Diodes for Neutron Fluence Monitoring" | Ulrich Heintz |
White, Angelina | "Inelastic Cross Sections of Metastable Xenon Isotope Production" | Richard Gaitskell |
Zheng, Joy | "Quantum Monte Carlo Studies of an Anisotropic 2D Superconductor-Insulator-Transition" | James Valles |
Zuckerman, Anna | "Evaluating the Viability of Low-Energy Multi-scattered Neutron Calibrations for LZ" | Richard Gaitskell |
Zuckerman, Leah | "Searching for Strong Gravitational Lensing in DECam Cluster Images" | Ian Dell'Antonio |
Student | Research Topic | Advisor |
Chalfin, Harry S. | "The AdS/CFT Correspondence: Entanglement Entropy & Holography" | Antal Jevicki |
Choi, Jungho | "Theory of Topological Heat Transport" | Dmitri Feldman |
Conroy, Nicholas | "Celestial Cartography: Mapping the Distribution of Dark Matter in Galaxy Clusters with Contrasting Mass Measurements" | Ian Dell'Antonio |
Hall, Galen P. | "Implications of mixed layer depth for climate sensitivity in general circulation climate models" | Baylor Fox-Kemper |
Hannon, Gabriel I. | “Exploring the Multiplets: Some Physics Hiding within 4D, N=2 Supersymmetric Transformation Laws” | Jim Gates |
Harith, Kaushik Srinivasan | "Variations in the $\Lambda$CDM parameters at different CMB $\ell$ scales" | Stephon Alexander |
Hawkins, Claire C. | "Mapping Weak Gravitational Lensing Signals from Low-Redshift Galaxy Clusters to Compare Dark Matter and X-Ray Gas Substructures" | Ian Dell'Antonio |
Hess, Jonathan M. | "Quantum Spin Liquids and AC Susceptibility" | Kemp Plumb/Sean Ling |
Insley, Benjamin A. | "Design and Simulation of Nasopharynx Applicator Shielding for Potential Use in Brachytherapy" | Oludurotimi Adetunji |
Ishimaru, Matthew A. | "On the stability of eight-electron bubbles in liquid helium" | Humphrey Maris |
Jackson, Jacob J. | "Extending Urban Scaling Theory Between and Within Cities: Analyses of Inter-City Networks and Kinetic Exchange Modeling of Local Income Inequality" | Jim Valles |
Kliegman, Ross P. | “Can Primordial Black Holes and WIMPs coexist?” | Savvas Koushiappas |
Lawson, Alexander | "Stochastic Modeling of Topological Geophysical Waves" | Brad Marston |
Mera Evans, Tyco B. | “Introducing gravitational wave astronomy into the undergraduate classroom through the creation of a demonstration device” | Prof. Rob Coyne, URI |
Minot, Andrea D. | "Weak Gravitational Lensing in Galaxy Clusters and their X-ray Properties" | Ian Dell'Antonio |
Palacios, Jorge A. | "Unearthing astro-almanacs / unknowing epistemocratic utopia" | Stephon Alexander |
Purdom, Halle E. | "Testing the consistency of different simulations of reionization" | Jonathan Pober |
Royal, Ellen C. | "Dimensional crossover in Ag films evaporated onto angled nanopore array substrates" | Jim Valles |
Runkel, Sara | "Atmospheric Boundary Layer Dynamics and Pollutant Transport in La Paz, Bolivia: Direct Statistical Simulation of the Dry Convective Boundary Layer" | Brad Marston |
Saluja, Devansh | "C* algebras and operator theory in algebraic formulations of quantum mechanics" | Brian Cole |
Seet, Ruixi | "Magnetic Anisotropy in Mixed Van der Waals Materials" | Kemp Plumb |
Stanton, Jacob G. | "Imo Kekere - Examining the Quantum Measurement Problem Through the Yoruba Philosophy of Ifa Divination" | Stephon Alexander |
Ton, Andrew T. | "Mesoscopic Orientational Order Accompanies the Slow Dynamics of a Two-Dimensional Supercooled Liquid" | Richard Stratt |
Tropper, Adam | "Randomness-Assisted Exponential Hierarchies in Particle Physics" | Jiji Fan |
Vasquez, Katie | "Observations of Spectroscopic Binaries Epsilon Persei and HIP26736" | Ian Dell'Antonio |
Wolcott, Benjamin A. | "Simulation of Powdered NMR Spectra Patterns" | Vesna Mitrovic |
Student | Research Topic | Advisor |
Belcaster, Henry B. | "The Music of TRAPPIST-1 and Other Exoplanet Systems: An investigation of orbits, sound, and music's unique ability to explain complex structure in the universe" | Professor Stephon Alexander |
Brown, Ian W. | "Evaporation and measurement of thin oxidized aluminum films on an AAO substrate to investigate potential coulomb effects on transport" | Professor Jim Valles |
Chan, Jason C. | "Prototyping and Testing an Energy Saving Multifunctional Membrane for Buildings" | Professor Derek Stein |
Godfrey, Ciaran L. | "Search for Trijet Resonance" | Professor Greg Landsberg |
Hinkle, Elise D. | "Tagging Hadronically Decaying Top Quarks with Deep Neural Networks" | Professor Meenakshi Narain |
Holber, Jamie E. | "Spin Hall Angles in Solids exhibiting a Giant Spin Hall Effect" | Professor Gang Xiao |
Jayaraman, Rahul | "Methods for Phase Curve Analyses of Exoplanet Atmospheres" | Professor Greg Tucker |
Kim, Heesoo | "Exfoliation and Characterization of Materials for Heterostructure Assembly" | Professors Kemp Plumb & Jia Leo Li |
Kocher, Charles D. | "Quantum Chaos in Simple Systems" | Professor Antal Jevicki |
Papol, Anthony V. | "The Evolution and Stability of Four-Body Stellar Systems" | Professor Stephon Alexander |
Student | Research Topic | Advisor |
Avkhadiev, Artur | “Treading Geodesic Pathways through the Configuration Space of a Linear Polymer” | Professor Stratt (Chemistry) |
Butler, Jack | "Mapping Dark Matter in the Galaxy Clusters of the Northern Hemisphere" | Professor Dell'Antonio |
Canaras, Zoe | "Constraining Sensitivity to the EoR Power Spectrum" | Professor Pober |
Cheng, Rebecca | Studying and characterizing potential scale dependence of the sheet resistance of thin silver films | Professor Valles |
Coleman, Evan | "Maximal Chaos in Black Holes" | Professor Jevicki |
Dallas, Emanuel | "2D BEC" | Professor Kosterlitz |
Dick, Nathaniel | "Exploring the Inhomogeneous Distribution of Matter Due to Perturbations in the Early Universe" | Professor Koushiappas |
Dudak, Matthew | "Incorporating Computation in Introductory High School Physics" | Professor Targan & Professor Silva-Pimentel (Education) |
Greer, Cory | “A search for dwarf candidates in wide-field surveys” | Professor Dell'Antonio |
Hartig, Kara | "Langmuir Turbulence in the Ocean Surface Boundary Layer: Towards a Sub-grid Statistical Climate Process Model" | Professor Marston |
Herrera, Kairy | "Investigations on Superfluid Dark Matter" | Professor Alexander |
Hirsch, Alexander | "A Python Environment for Wide-angle Energy-momentum Spectroscopy Analysis | Professor Zia (Engineering) |
Isik, Oliver | “Detecting John Cunningham Virus Translocations through Solid-State Nanopores” | Professor Stein |
Kang, Lucas | "Adinkras From Ordered Quartets of BC4 Coxeter Group Elements and Regarding Another Gadget's 1,358,954,496 Matrix Elements." | Professor Gates |
Ortega, Marlene | "Methods for the distinction of hadronically decaying boosted W±/Z bosons" | Professor Narain |
Marmor, Andrew | "Dynamical holes" | Professor Koushiappas |
Miller, Michelle | "Recovering the Physics of the Epoch of Reionization using Semi-Analytic 21CMMC Code" | Professor Pober |
Quigley, Keegan | "Physical Amplification of Chemical Colorimetric Sensing and a Transfer Matrix Analysis" | Professor Xu (Engineering) |
Sridhar Narayanan, Adarsh | "Using Machine Learning to Variationally Optimize Fermionic Wave Functions" | Professor Rubinstein (Chemistry) |
Stern, Nicholas | "Dark Matter Directionality: Effect of Nuclear Recoil Direction Relative to Applied Electric Field on Ionization Yield in the LUX Detector" | Professor Gaitskell |
Storer, Dara | "Analysis of the Best-Fit Sky Model Produced Through Redundant Calibration of the MWA" | Professor Pober |
Tan, Matthew | "Linearity of the Hamamatsu R11410 Photomultipler Tube in cryogenic temperatures for the LUX-ZEPLIN experiment" | Professor Gaitskell |
Yaruss, Emily | "Determining Dark Matter Distribution Through Gravitational Lensing in Low-Redshift Galaxy Clusters in the Southern Hemisphere" | Professor Dell'Antonio |
Student | Research Topic | Advisor |
Blunt, Sarah | "Orbits for the Impatient: A Bayesian Rejection Sampling Method for Quickly Fitting the Orbits of Long-Period Exoplanets" | Professor Dell'Antonio & E. Nielsen (SETI Institute) & Prof. Macintosh (Stanford) |
Brauer, Kaley | "Force-Explicit Machine Learning Schemes and Interactive Visualization for Atomic Simulations" | Professor Marston & Professor Peterson (Engineering) |
Butcher, Amy | "Laser Terahertz Emission Near-field Microscopy" | Professor Middleman |
Harris, Evan | "PSF Anisotropy and Cluster Mass Estimation in Weak Gravitational Lensing" | Professor Dell'Antonio |
Lynch, Connor | "Photomultiplier Tube (PMT) Testing for the LZ (LUX-ZEPLIN) Dark Matter Experiment under intense LED-light exposure and modulation" | Professor Gaitskell |
Movsheva, Anna | "Anyons and Dualities in 2+1 Dimensions" | Professor Jevicki |
Nelson, Jovan | "Using Jet Images and Deep Neural Networks to Identify Particles in High Luminosity" | Professor Narain |
Oliver, Richard | "Force-Free Electrodynamics near the Horizon of an Extremal Kerr Black Hole" | Professor Lowe |
L.J. Remillard | "Stirling coolers, their Vibrations, and Astronomy" | Professor Dell'Antonio |
Rivlis, Raz | "Monte Carlo Simulations of Liquid Crystal Decorated Nanoparticles" | Professor Pelcovits |
Romines, Carl | "Weak Gravitational Lensing" | Professor Dell'Antonio |
Rosenberg, Eliott | "Cooling in a Dissipative Dark Sector" | Professor Fan |
Seymour, Devon | "Monte Carlo Simulations of Polonium Drift from Radon Progeny in an Electrostatic Counter" | Professor Gaitskell |
Tennis, Jessica | "Thermodynamics and Kinetics of DOTA-Based Ligands" | Professor Dell'Antonio & Professor Robinson (Chemistry) |
Zamora, Alvaro | "Finding Young and Hypervelocity Stars in the Outer Halo of the Galaxy" | Professor Dell'Antonio |
Student | Research Topic | Advisor |
Adams, Dominic | "Computational Simulation of Pawder NMR Spectra" | Professor Mitrovic |
Altman, Lauren | "Scattering Amplitudes of On-Shell Plabic Graphs resulting in Elliptic Integrals" | Professor Spradlin |
Berglund, Kallan | "Investigation of Firewalls in Black Holes" | Professor Lowe |
Cooper-Troendle, London | "Inflation and the Growth of Density Perturbations in the Early Universe" | Professor Koushiappas |
Dallas, Sam | "Modeling Galaxy Color Variations for Cosmological Simulations" | Professor Dell'Antonio |
Flexman, Connor | "Detection of Liquid Xenon Surface Waves by Light Modulation in the LUX Dark Matter Experiment" | Professor Gaitskell |
Ghoush, Soumya | "Reconstructing Pixel-Resolution Spectra of Galaxies using Hubble Data" | Professor Dell'Antonio |
Givans, Jahmour | "Particle Detection in Schwarzschild Anti-de Sitter Spacetime" | Professor Lowe |
Levine, Alexander J. | "Effects of a Capacitvely-Coupled Ground Plane on Nanohoneycomb Thin Films near the Insulator-Superconductor Transition" | Professor Valles |
Nishimura-Gasparian, Kei | "Swimming in Style: Stokes Flow Induced by a Swimmer in a Liquid Crystal" | Professor Powers |
Scheer, Michael | "Spins in the Rough: Finding Carbon-13 Nuclear Spins near a Nitrogen-Vacancy Center in Diamond" | Professor Zia |
Snider, Charles | "Group Theory Applications in Chern-Simons Theory" | Professor Jevicki |
Storey-Fisher, Kate | "Defining Dark Matter Halo Mass in Cosmological Simulations" | Professor Dell'Antonio |
Tarshish, Nathaniel | "Monte Carlo Simulations of Liquid Crystal Defects and Mixtures" | Professor Pelcovits |
Van der List, Joseph | "Searching for a heavy Partner to the Top Quark" | Professor Narain |
Watson-Daniels, Jamelle | "Evaluating Plasmonic Photocatalytic Activity of Materials" | Professor Xu |
Student | Research Topic | Advisor |
Bonadonna, Christopher | “Simulating Planet Formation around M-Type Dwarf Stars” | Professor Dell'Antonio |
Commons, Jeffrey | “Charge Density Waves in Metal-Intercalated Topological Insulator Nanoribbons” | Professor Valles & Professor Kosti (Department of Chemistry) |
Genecov, Max | “Fiat LZ: Teflon Design and Simulation in the Next Generation of Dark Matter Detection” | Professor Gaitskell |
Kolus, Hannah | “Investigating the Relationship between Langmuir Turbulence and Ocean Mixed Layer Entrainment in Large Eddies” | Professor Pelcovits & Professor Fox-Kemper (Brown DEEPS) |
Kulshreshtha, Abishek | “Classification of Topological Insulators” | Professor Feldman |
Meehan, Alexander | “Is It Irrational to Believe Orthodox Quantum Mechanics?” | Professor Feldman & Professor Emery (Department of Philosophy) |
Moskowitz, Alexander | “Searching for Self-Interacting Dark Matter through Galaxy Cluster Collisions” | Professor Dell'Antonio |
Nally, Richard | “Computing Inclusive QCD Cross-Sections through AdS/CFT” | Professor Tan |
Park, Hojin | “Reconstructing AdS Space” | Professor Jevicki |
Parker, Daniel | “Cluster Algebra Structures in Scattering Amplitudes in N = 4 Super Yang-Mills Theory” | Professor Volovich |
Plummer, Abigail | “Numerical and Statistical Simulation of an Idealized Model Tachocline” | Professor Marston |
Pike, Sean | “Two-Point Shear Correlations as Probes of Large-Scale Structure in the CFHTLS Wide Fields” | Professor Dell'Antonio |
Scherlis, Adam | “Triangulations, Polylogarithms and Grassmannian Cluster Algebras in Particle Physics” | Professor Spradlin |
Underriner, Scott | “Scales of Dark Matter Clustering in High Redshift Galaxies” | Professor Dell'Antonio |
Student | Research Topic | Advisor |
Armstrong, Andrew | "The Effect of Orthogonal Transfer on Atmospherically Induced Point Spread Function Correlations" | Prof. Dell'Antonio |
Barry, Bradley | "Simulating Local Spin Texture Induced by Spin-Orbit Interaction and Exotic Orbital Orders in the Mott insulator Ba2NaOsO6 - Exploring Utility as a Qubit" | Prof. Mitrovic |
Cramer, Avilash | "A Method for Improving the Resolution of X-Ray Imaging by Collimation of Scintillating Nanoparticles" | Profs. Valles & T. Morse (Brown Engn) |
English, Michael-Patrick | "Spectral Energy Distributions of Compact Microwave Sources in Galactic HII Regions" | Prof. Tucker |
Filsinger, Gabriel | "A Theoretical and Experimental Exploration of Magnetic Properties of Amorphous-Fe and bcc-Fe Nanoparticles" | Profs. S. Sun (Brown Chem) & Ling |
Gilbert, Emily | "Measuring Weak Gravitational Lensing by Abell 992 Using the One Degree Imager" | Prof. Dell'Antonio |
Jiang, Chinming | "Studies of the Viscosity Dependence of the Galvanotactic Response of Paramecia" | Prof. Valles |
Lee, Jaeyoon | "Weak Confinement of DNA in a Shallow Free Energy Landscape" | Prof. Stein |
Lyubich, Eva | "Quasi-Biennial Modulation of the Stratospheric Surf Zone" | Profs. Marston & L. Gray (Oxford Physics) |
Poh, Wei Jie Jason | "Constraining the Past History of Dark Matter Density at the Galactic Solar Radius" | Prof. Koushiappas |
Rozansky, Robert | "The Physics of Filling a Nanoscale Tube" | Prof. Stein |
Shipp, Nora | "Fermi Unidentified Sources: Dark Matter or Astrophysics" | Prof. Koushiappas |
Siegelman, Mika | "Modeling Ocean Dynamics at Waikiki Beach" | Profs. B. Fox-Kemper (Brown GeoSci) & M. Merrifield (U. Hawaii) |
Student | Research Topic | Advisor |
Albright, Stephen | "Consequences of Slip on Electrokinetic Currents in Nanochannels" | Prof. Derek Stein |
Berg, Alexander | "Thin-Film Gap-Sample Experiments" | Prof. Jim Valles |
Carpenter, Caitlin | "Effects of Spatial Compactifcation on the Hagedorn Temperature and the Thermo-Tachyon" | Prof. Chung-I Tan |
Chanayammuri, Urmila | "Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies of the Milky Way: Identification in Sloan Digital Sky Survey and Significance in Dark Matter Detection" | Prof. Savvas Koushiappas |
DiPetrillo, Karri | "DNA Translocation Dynamics through Asymmetric Solid-State Nanopores" | Prof. Derek Stein |
Eggers, Lucas | "Toward Entropic Trapping of DNA in Solid-State Nanopores" | Prof. Derek Stein |
Frees, Adam | "Solutions of Higher Spin Gravity and Connections to Integrable Systems" | Prof. Antal Jevicki |
Golden-Marx, Emmet | "Measuring Star Formation Rates in Nearby Galaxies using Their Far Infrared Continua" | Prof. Ian Dell'Antonio |
Golden-Marx, Jesse | "Searching for Classical Novae in the M81 Galaxy Group As a Proxy for the Fraction of Stars That Have Escaped Their Host Galaxies" | Prof. Ian Dell'Antonio |
Hill, Cameron | "Measuring Weak Lensing of Galaxy Clusters with the One Degree Imager (ODI)" | Prof. Ian Dell'Antonio |
Langer, Marc | "Statistical Physics of the Anyonic Fabry-Perot Interferometer" | Prof. Dima Feldman |
Moon, Wooyoung | "Density Functional Theory Calculations of the Stability of Charged Molecular Clusters Emitted by a Nanopore Ion Source" | Prof. Derek Stein |
Nagamine, Tasha | "Optical Modulation of Microcircuits in Deep Brain Structures of Behaving Rodents" | Prof. Arto Nurmikko |
Pfundheller, Austin | "Searching for High-Luminosity, Sun-Like Stars in the Galactic Halo" | Prof. Ian Dell'Antonio |
Poole, William | "Playing Polymer Ping Pong: Simulating the Out-of-Equilibrium Dynamics of Driven Polymer Translocations Through a Nanopore" | Prof. Derek Stein |
Powell, Charles | "Density Functional Modelling of Actinide Complexes" | Prof. Brad Marston |
Ramamurti, Adith | "Quantization of Symmetric Spaces" | Prof. Antal Jevicki |
Sedor, Geoffrey | "Searching for Gigantic Black Holes" | Prof. Ian Dell'Antonio |
Shasha, Carolyn | "Comparing Filamentous Virus Lengths Using a Solid-State Nanopore" | Prof. Derek Stein |
Shi, Xiangjun | "Why Do I Study Physics?" (A science communication animation project) | Prof. Chung-I Tan |
Stark, Alejo | "Is There an AGN in the Bright, Strongly Lensed, High Redshift Galaxy RCSGA 032727-1326?" | Prof. Savvas Koushiappas |
Van Krieken, Cole | "Changes in Fluid Viscosity and Its Effect on the Avoiding Reaction in Paramecia" | Prof. Jim Valles |
Weinberger, Nathan | Study of the Effect of CO2 Lasers Radiation on Electron Bubbles in Liquid Helium | Prof. Humphrey Maris |
Winoker, Zachary | "Inducing Knotted Defect Structures in Nematic Liquid Crystals via Boundary Conditions" | Prof. Robert Pelcovits |
Student | Research Topic | Advisor |
Adams, Arthur | “Measurements of the Mass of the Top Quark Using the Lepton+Jets Decay Channel” | Prof. Ulrich Heintz |
Alexander, Kate | “Quantifying the Effects of Noise Peaks on Two-Point Correlation Functions in Ground-Based Lensing Data” | Prof. Ian Dell’ Antonio |
Bensson, James | “Quantum Computing with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance” | Prof. Vesna Mitrovic |
Bodington, Natalie | “Rectification Behavior of Junctions of Hubbard-Chains Using the Density-Matrix Renormalization Group” | Prof. Brad Marston |
Cho, Minjae | “Integrability Structure of Giant Magnons in AntideSitter Space” | Prof. Antal Jevicki |
Coogan, Adam | “Search for the RS Graviton in 2.2 TeV Data at CMS” | Prof. Meenakshi Narain |
Dodelson, Matthew | “dS/CFT and the Wavefunction of the Universe” | Prof. Antal Jevicki |
Hicks, William | "U(1) Charges in Weakly-Coupled Free-Fermionic Heterotic String Models” | Prof. David Lowe |
Huynh, Clarence | “SN2011fe: A Standard Candle Examination of M101” | Prof. Ian Dell’ Antonio |
Iadecola, Thomas | “Anyonic Fabry-Pérot Interferometry in Quantum Hall Systems” | Prof. Dmitri Feldman |
Lazo del Sol, Luis | “Modifying Anodized Aluminum Oxide's Roughness on a Nanometer Scale for Thin-Film Superconductor Experiments" | Prof. Jim Valles |
Lester, Ryan | "Bulk Quantum Computing with NMR" | Prof. Vesna Mitrovic |
Mickalide, Harry | “Modelling the Swimming Mechanics of Paramecia through Analysis of Speed versus Viscosity in Three Separate Species” | Prof. Jim Valles |
Nagy, Mark | “Nanopore Measurements and Analysis of DNA Fragments” | Prof. Sean Ling |
Neubauer, Marianna | “The Effect of Simple Viscous and Visco-Elastic Media on Bacterial Motility” | Prof. Jay Tang |
Provencher, Real Ryan | “Symbology of Integrals in Loop-Level Feynman Diagrams” | Prof. Marcus Spradlin |
Wagman, Michael | “Simulating Turduckened Black Holes with a Discontinuous Galerkin Scheme” | Prof. Jan Hesthaven |