

Our research involves custom laboratory experiments in the full array of physics areas, from Condensed Matter NMR, Astrophysics, and High Energy Theory to Molecular Biophysics and Nanoscale Physics and Devices.

Research Laboratories


RoomResearchFacultyPhone # 
413Lab of Nanoscale Physics and Quantum DevicesProf. Xiao(401) 863-2586 
17Li LabProf. Li(401) 863-9689 
11Observational CosmologyProf. Tucker(401) 863-1352 
044/048Particle AstrophysicsProf. Gaitskell(401) 863-6222 
55Graduate Student Office (401) 863-6220 
57Condense Matter NMRProf. Mitrovic(401) 863-3939 
61Thin Film NanostructuresProf. Valles(401) 863-3084 
& Cell Biophysics 
407/409Biological PhysicsProf. Tang(401) 863-2156 
(401) 863-1405 
532/542High EnergyProf. Roloff(401) 863-2210 
550/554Prof. Landsberg(401) 863-2005 
 Prof. Gouskos(401) 865-2304 
540High Energy TheoryStudents(401) 863-2461 
619Molecular BiophysicsProf. Ling(401) 863-3933 
638Low Temp., UltrasonicsProf. Plumb(401) 863-3229 
& Nanos 
644/650Biological PhysicsProf. Stein(401) 863-2854 
715Condensed Matter PhysicsProf. Pober(401) 863-2296 
717AstrophysicsProf. Dell’Antonio(401) 863-2247 
721Institute Brain & Neural SystemsProf. Kuehne(401) 863- 3920 



Educational Laboratories

Room Educational Lab Phone #
060 Demonstration Area (401) 863-3964
116/117 Intro Physics Labs (401) 863-3061
217 Astronomy Lab (401) 863-2264
203/225 UG & Grad Teaching Labs (401) 863-9581
B&H Observatory (401) 863-9255
(401) 863-9269
210 Doyle Ave. Ladd Observatory (401) 863-2323