A member of the Brown faculty since 1959, Professor Lanou is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He was previously on the staff of the University of California, Berkeley, a Visiting Fellow in the Italian National Universities at Padua and Bari, FNAL, Osaka University, Japan, and the Center for Particle Astrophysics (Berkeley). He has served on the High Energy Physics Program Advisory Committee of several National Laboratories, as well as the Executive Committee of the A.P.S. Division of Particles and Fields. He is a graduate of Worcester Polytechnic Institute and received the Ph.D. from Yale University. Professor Lanou was Chairman of the Physics Department from 1986 -1992.
Elementary-Particle Physics (experimental studies at high-energy accelerators; development of new techniques for particle/astrophysics)
"Energy Deposition in Superfluid Helium and Design of a Detector for Solar Neutrinos" (with J.S. Adams et al), Nucl. Instr. & Methods, B444, 51 (2000).
"Progress on HERON: A Real-time Detector for P-P Solar Neutrinos" (with J.S. Adams et al) in Next Generation Nucleon Decay Neutrino Detectors, Editors: M.V. Diwan and C.K. Jung, AIP/Springer Conference Proceedings, Vol.533, 112 (2000).
"Future Solar Neutrino Projects," Nuclear Physics B77 (Proc. Suppl.), 53 (1999).
"Scintillation and Quantum Evaporation by Single, Monoenergetic Electrons Stopping in Superfuid Helium'' (with J. Adams, Y-H. Kim, H. Maris and G.Seidel), J. of Low Temp. Phys. 113, 1121 (1998).
"The Observation of the Top Quark" (with S. Abachi et al), Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 2632 (1995).
"Progress and Prospects in Neutrino Astrophysics" (with J. Bahcall, K. Lande, J. Learned, R. Robertson and L. Wolfenstein), Nature 375, 29 (1995).
"Simultaneous Calorimetric Detection of Rotons and Photons Generated by Particles in Superfluid Helium" (with J. Adams, S. Bandler, S. Brouer, C. Enss, H. Maris, T. More and G. Seidel), Phys. Lett. B341, 431 (1995)."