
Physics Science Writer-in-Residence Day

On Monday, September 30, the Physics Department faculty hosted University Communications Manager & Writer for the Physical Sciences, Juan Siliezar, for Physics Writer-in-Residence Day, a day of 1:1 faculty meetings and lab tours.

Juan’s day began at the Kuehne Lab with a tour led by Assistant Professor Matthias Kuehne's students, Chuye Peng and Jacob Bair. He was then treated to a lab tour by Professor Rick Gaitskill and had individual meetings with Assistant Professor Loukas Gouskos and Chair Vesna Mitrović. Following a lunch break with Professors Dima Feldman, Greg Tucker, Ian Dell’Antonio, Michael Kosterlitz, Gang Xiao, Ulrich Heintz, Vesna Mitrović, and Assistant Professor Jennifer Roloff, Juan had successive meetings with Assistant Professor (Research) Matt LeBlanc, Associate Professor Jonathan Pober, Assistant Professor Jennifer Roloff, and Professors Ian Dell’Antonio and Greg Tucker. The afternoon also featured a clean room tour with Ulrich Heintz and his research team members, Yarelis Acevedo, Nick Hinton and Philipp Wagenknecht.

In the clean room, Juan got a close-up look at a 2S module, which Yarelis described as “one of the two types of modules (2S and PSS) used in the Outer Tracker of the CMS experiment. The 2S module consists of two parallel-mounted silicon strip sensors. These modules, including the PSS modules, provide crucial information for particle tracking and help discriminate the transverse momentum of particles. At Brown, we initiate the assembly process of both 2S and PSS modules. Using various precision tools, jigs, and the expertise of our dedicated lab team, we ensure that each module meets the strict requirements necessary for successful operation.”

Our faculty shared with Juan their passion for discovery and research that pushes beyond the boundaries of known physics. We are thrilled to have a skilled partner ready to elevate news of our work across the diverse fields of physics to the Brown community and beyond. 

We are excited to welcome Juan to his newly established Physics Office Hours at Barus and Holley!