
Making a Difference in the World: Jonathan Pober Receives Early Career Research Achievement Award

On Monday, April 24, 2023, Assistant Professor of Physics Jonathan Pober, an experimental astrophysicist and world leader in cosmology, received an Early Career Research Achievement Award, Physical Science at the Celebration of Research at Sayles Hall.

Jonathan Pober holding the awardNominated by his peers and one of nine recipients of the 2023 Research Achievement Awards, Professor Pober will receive a stipend of $5,000 to support his research. “I am very excited to have won this award. Knowing all the research that’s happening at Brown, just being in the conversation for this award is an honor. I’m really thrilled to have the recognition and want to use the stipend to support students – to get some students to Australia this summer and out to the telescope. They’re the people driving my research program so supporting them is my top priority,” Pober told the department.

Professor Pober’s research, as described on the Research at Brown website, “focuses on building ultrasensitive low-frequency radio telescope arrays to detect signals from the first stars and galaxies formed 12 billion years ago. An assistant professor in physics, he leads research projects at the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) radio telescope facility in Western Australia, supported by multiple NSF grants. He received two NASA grants to develop a radio telescope experiment on the far side of the moon and is developing Machine Learning for radio astronomy data analysis. He was named a NASA Nancy Grace Roman Technology Fellow for his lunar mission and received Brown University’s Henry Merritt Wriston Fellowship for excellence in teaching and scholarship.”

Congratulations, Jonathan!