
Landsberg Appointed CMS Publication Committee Chair

Greg LandsbergProfessor Greg Landsberg has a new major responsibility within the CMS experiment at CERN: since September 1, 2021 he is serving as the CMS Publication Committee Chair. The CMS Collaboration publishes approximately 100 papers each year. The Publication Committee oversees this process and ensures the highest quality of CMS papers. The Chair responsibility is to organize the work of the Publication Committee, communicate with the CMS and CERN management, as well as negotiate publication of most important papers in high-impact journals, such as Nature. This is a 2-year Level-1 management position within the collaboration, of high visibility and importance.

"I'm honored to serve CMS in this new, important role and to help improving the quality and impact of our publications! We have assembled an exceptionally strong international team to run the PubliCations Committee and we are looking forward to a continuous stream of important scientific publications from CMS," says Greg Landsberg.